Earlier this week we talked about how brands need to evolve their marketing strategies and think of ways to excite and connect with their online presence.It is only fitting to showcase a great example of how a major household brand has accomplished this.
Advertising should not only benefit the Brand and customers, but influence consideration/perception of potential customers as well. Advertising provides awareness of the existence of the product to the customer. Customer satisfaction is of immense priority in modern marketing and the importance of advertising can’t be ignored as such. : Advertising should make shopping easy by reducing the time and effort involved shopping. People become aware of the source and availability of different products and need not search them out. They can make better choice among different varieties.
This week I will be looking at how LG leveraged on new media to launch their new refrigerator and have you ever imagined what your refrigerator will tweet if it has a twitter account ? Yep!.you guessed right, LG “done did it”!. Every time someone opened the refrigerator, it tweeted a message along with a live-streamed video.
To build the tweeting LG Nordic, the company placed a sensor inside the refrigerator door. Opening the door sent a signal to Arduino, an open-source microcontroller, which in turn sent a signal to a computer and then back to the camera installed in the fridge. The camera recorded a video feed and, using server-side scripting, disseminated a tweet.
The message spread globally to more than 2,000 influential blogs and newspapers, which gave LG some well-deserved PR and earned media with a reach of 72 million. Ask a professional in the business what the key to success is in advertising, and you’ll most likely get an answer that echoes the mantra of Stephan Vogel, Ogilvy & Mather Germany’s Chief Creative Officer:
“Nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. Creative advertising is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less media spending, and builds a fan community…faster.”
Source – Think with Google